
Childminding is a rewarding career and provides the opportunity to contribute to children’s development and learning, run your own business, work from home, develop new skills and qualifications and provide a valuable service for your local community. Childminders are professionals who work in their own homes to provide care, development and wellbeing for other people's children in a safe environment. You would play a key role in supporting and nurturing children's development. Childminders are required by law to be registered with OFSTED or with a Childminding Agency that is registered with OFSTED, if they offer a childcare service in their own home, for more than two hours per day for children aged under eight years of age.

The link to the list of current childminding agencies is below:

Childminder Agencies

Registered childminders are self-employed and are responsible for their own tax and National Insurance. They are not 'employed' by parents but charge a fee for their services. A childminder can be male or female. The minimum age is 18 with no upper age limit as long as the physical aspects of the role can be met. A childminder can care for a maximum of six children under eight years of age, including their own children. This is however dependent upon the size of rooms in the registered location. If you wish to register as a childminder, your home has to be a self-contained unit, it will not be suitable if you have to share facilities. You can be a registered child-minder if you live in a flat and you do not need to own your property but you will need the landlord to agree if you are in rented accommodation. Although you do not need to have a garden, arrangements to ensure that children have access to outdoor play will need to be in place but this could be daily visits to the local park or playground.

If you are interested in becoming a childminder please email: 

There is information on the Croydon Adult Learning And Training (CALAT) website about childminder training and childminder briefing sessions.

Childminder Briefing Sessions